Check IPO Result - Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sansthan

Tutor Chetan

IPO Allotment Notice

Mahila Laghubitta

The IPO sold by Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited to the public will be distributed on Friday, February 26. According to sales manager SBI Merchant Banking, the IPO is scheduled to be distributed at 8 am on Friday. Laghubitta's IPO pre-sale took place on Tuesday, according to Capital.

Mahila Laghubitta's IPO has received applications for 24.6 million 46 thousand 170 shares or 2 billion 466 million 17 thousand rupees. That is 65.72 times more than the 375,000 applications issued to the public. As there were more applications than the demand, only 37,500 people will get shares at the rate of a minimum of 10 Shares as per the Securities Issuance and Distribution Directive.

Mahila Laghubitta had issued 400,000 ordinary shares at a face value of Rs 100 per share, equivalent to 40 percent of the issued capital of Rs 100 million.

How to Check IPO Result of Mahila Laghubitta:

Now you can check the IPO result of the Mahila Laghubitta report from the MeroShare official website (, or, IPO Sales Manager company's website, or from the official website of Mahila Laghubitta (

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